Back for More

Hey lovelies. Thanks for sticking with me. By now it’s probably begun to seem like my blog has unceremoniously ended with a not-so-stellar post-Christmas special from early 2021.

Well, when I decided a year ago to take a break from writing this blog, I didn’t expect so much time would pass before I returned to type my heart out. Safe to say I also didn’t expect the full force of Covid-restrictions mangled with my own fraught emotional journey to hit so hard. Coming out (again) has been – and still is – a very long road, the bulk of which, I realised, I needed to live and experience before I could find the words to write about it.

So here I am, back for More, ready to pound out some more poly thoughts into the ether. This will be the year when those long-awaited forthcoming titles finally do come forth from the shadows of my mind.

If you’ve started following me during my unannounced hiatus, I apologise but also say thank you and welcome. Honestly, you’re part of the reason I’m back here at all. I hope you’ve come here to read some exploratory stories from a stranger, because that’s basically the blog you’ve landed on. I’m Julie, an unapologetically polyamorous Black woman and tragically bi-now-turned-gay-later megaQueer. If any of that is new to you – or if you’re just here to see how things play out – you’ve come to the right place.

A lot has happened in 2021 – a lot and yet very little. But such is life in Covid times. I got a promotion, I fell out of love, I came out to my father, I moved into a new flat*, and yes, there have been more threesomes. Always more threesomes.

There’s a lot to get into, so strap in (or, rather, just grab a cup of tea and a spot on the sofa). I’ll have my first real post of the year coming to you by the end of the month. In the immortal words of Aaron Burr from my favourite musical: Are you ready for more yet?

Thanks for reading! See you soon.

* I even (lucky me) got a text on my birthday from someone I barely know (and have never met in person) who noted in a video group therapy session that I had moved house and also hadn’t mentioned my husband once during that session. She told me if something was “going on” and I wanted to talk, she was there for me. It was so, so great and highly appropriate**.

** Sarcasm. Fucking sarcasm. 

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